Spend Analysis

If you don't know what you're spending, you can't save Money well

The first step to gain more insight into purchasing-related expenses is to realize a Basic Spend Analysis.

This will provide you with answers to the following questions:

  • What do our purchase-related expenses look like?
  • What do we spend and to whom?
  • Which categories do we spend the most on?
  • In which Kraljic Matric category do our suppliers fall?
  • Does our supplier strategy match the result of the  ABC analysis or Kraljic Matrix?
  • In which countries are we at high risk?
  • What is the Po - Non PO ratio?
  • How many invoices have we processed?

The Spend Analysis consists of the following parts:

  • Spend Overview
  • Spend by group
  • Spend World Map
  • ABC Analysis
  • Kraljic Matrix
  • PO - Non PO
  • Invoice Stats
  • Transaction Details

To learn more about the contents of the Spend Analysis, browse the dashboards by clicking on one of the screenshots below.
The dashboards contain fictitious data.

The Spend Analysis and optional additions are offered using Power BI Online.

If you do not have a Power BI Pro subscription, access to the dashboard is also possible.

The dashboards are also easily accessible on mobile devices via the Power BI mobile app.

You only pay a fixed amount per month for the use of the dashboards. The data is refreshed once a month.

Dataset Spend Analysis

Enjoy AI provides a specification of the dataset. Where necessary, we help you extract the correct data from the system or systems.

The dataset is read and processed in our environment.

After editing you will receive a link to the Power BI Online environment where the result is ready for you.

The management of the Power BI online environment is completely in the hands of Zuiver Analytics. This saves you a lot of time, energy and money.

Get in touch to receive more information on how we can bring your data to actionable insights